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Priene - Day 11 Thursday 12th May
As there were no trips available from the hotel to some of the other more remote sites so we decided to hire a car. It was a Renault Clio with a boot and model name Symbol, supplied by Avis.
The first visit of the day was to the ancient city of Priene, south of Kusadasi. This was situated on a natural platform on the southern slopes of Samson (Mykale) Mountain, about 12km from the modern city of Söke. The local grey marble was used for construction, so the city looked a bit dark in comparison to Ephesus which was made from a very white marble.
Modern tourist entrance - note drainage channel; first intersection - note the drainage pipe and junction box
Temple of Athena: information board ; 5 columns re-erected; note square socket holes for locating columns.
roadside altar; with recumbent model; another roadside altar with model [Top of Page]
Road down the hill away from
the Temple of Athena and the entrance. Note drainage channel.
Two features of which very
little is left to see.
The Council House
The Bishop's Church - little
left to see.
A Theatre, small by
comparison with Miletos, but larger than the Council House
The City gate and road were
down by the car park but not sign posted for entry to the site.
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